
The Slaying of the Snake is the 100th chapter of InuYasha manga.



The Suijin stoops the typhoon to save the village, and Inuyasha takes the halberd from the Daija which turns as snake demon as Inuyasha fights with him. Tarōmaru jumped the water to saved the village fro halberd, Sango and Inuyasha defeated Dajja before he was sucked by Miroku's Wind Tunnel for good. in the end Taromaru's father and the villagers apologize to Suekichi, as Taromaru watches the sky for Inuyasha's group. Back to Inuyasha's group as Inuyasha sees Miroku's greed for goods from the village.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

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 Volume 11 - Scars of the Past 
Chapters 99  •  100  •  101  •  102  •  103  •  104  •  105  •  106  •  107  •  108