Curse of the Man-Eating Pond is the eleventh episode of Hanyō no Yashahime.
- Towa and Setsuna learn about a pond that devours any human or animal that comes near it. When they go investigate it, they come across two siblings who lost their parents to the pond.
- They discover that a serpent and pond demon are working in conjunction, and ultimately slay the demons.
Towa is sitting down relaxing while watching and listening to Setsuna play her violin in a clearing. Towa is thinking about her and Setsuna's encounter with Kinka and Ginka. Towa thinks to herself that she wonders what that was that sense of unity she felt as it like she and Setsuna understood each other without having to say a single word. Moroha is making pancakes from a box of pancake-mix with a mini electric stove she brought back from the modern era. Moroha wonders if the pancakes are burning and how long was she supposed to. Towa then helps out Moroha with making her pancakes. Towa asks Moroha what was she doing. Moroha tells Towa that the pancake mix they brought from the modern era and wonders what was it called again. Towa tells Moroha that it's pancakes. Moroha tells Towa that's the one and sees that it's frying up nicely. Setsuna puts away her violin. Moroha looks happily at her pancakes as they are done. Moroha says the mini electric stove is really useful as she can cook wherever and whenever she wants. Moroha says she needs to check it for poison first before she eats all of the pancakes. Unfortunately for Moroha, when she eats all the pancakes in one bite, she starts choking on them. Towa asks Moroha was she all right. Moroha says she needs something to drink right now then sees a nearby pond, which proves to look very murky and rushes to drink the murky pond water for some relief. Towa questions is Moroha seriously going to drink the pond water. Setsuna tells Towa looks like it. Towa disapproves of Moroha’s intention to drink the murky pond water and runs behind her as she tells her to wait and to get back here. Moroha continues to run towards the pond until Towa grabs her to stop her from drinking that water, making her fall to the ground. Towa tells Moroha that if she drinks that muddy water then she's going to get a stomachache. Moroha realizes that she's not choking anymore on the pancakes. Towa becomes annoyed. Soon after, Moroha witnesses something very unusual that neither Towa or Setsuna saw. A bird that was flying over the pond unexpectedly gets eaten and swallowed by the murky pond itself. Setsuna comes over. Moroha expresses her state of shock. Towa asks Moroha what’s wrong. Moroha tells Towa that just now the pond swallowed up a bird. Towa questions Moroha about the pond swallowing up a bird.
Moroha confirms it and explains to Towa and Setsuna what she saw happened. Towa and Setsuna don't believe what Moroha said. Setsuna tells Moroha that she's so noisy as usual and she's leaving before she does. Towa questions Setsuna about the Demon Slayer's place and decides that she'll go with her before she starts to leave. Moroha reaches out to Towa and Setsuna as she tells them 'hey'. Towa asks Moroha that she's heading to Jyūbei’s and good luck with that. Towa and Setsuna head off to the Demon Slayer’s place. Moroha becomes annoyed at Towa and Setsuna and wonders about the pond as it was really weird and she knows what it did. At the Demon Slayer’s place, Setsuna and Towa are talking with Kohaku and Hisui. Setsuna questions Kohaku about a Man-Eating Pond. Kohaku tells Setsuna 'yes' as the Man-Eating Pond is on other side of a hill and a little hidden. Towa tells Setsuna that's where they were earlier. Setsuna nods. Hisui explained according to the villagers the pond used to be so beautiful that it sparkled and shone like a mirror but something started living in it and it started getting murky. Setsuna asks Kohaku that he's saying that 'something' is the Man-Eating Pond's real identity. Kohaku confirms it with Setsuna as says it's just that no one alive has ever seen what it is and that's because all eye witnesses have been eaten. Towa and Setsuna become surprised. Hisui explained that whatever it is it eats anything that comes near the pond humans, beasts and birds. Towa says birds. Towa and Setsuna then recalls that Moroha’s explanation of the pond before was actually the truth. Towa calls out to Setsuna. Setsuna tells Towa that looks like Moroha wasn't just fooling around. Setsuna questions Kohaku that all she and Towa have to do is slay it before she quickly leaves with her violin. Towa tells Setsuna to wait for her as she follows her. Kohaku stood up as he and Hisui watched Towa and Setsuna leave. Towa tells Setsuna so it's a mysterious 'something' living in the pond and wonders what it is.
When Towa and Setsuna reaches to the area of the Man-Eating Pond, Setsuna sees Hikomaru and Chiyo near the pond. Towa asks Setsuna what is it. Setsuna asks Towa hold her Kanemitsu no Tomoe and violin before she runs off towards Hikomaru and Chiyo. Towa asks Setsuna why was she in such a hurry then notices Hikomaru and Chiyo. Chiyo tightly holds onto Hikomaru. Hikomaru yells at Chiyo to let him go. Chiyo tells Hikomaru to not go. Hikomaru tells Chiyo to let go of him as he's going to avenge their parents. Chiyo tells Hikomaru to stop it as she doesn't want him to disappear as well. Hikomaru looks at Chiyo for a moment before he repeatedly tells her to let him go before he manages to break free. Chiyo falls down. Hikomaru stops for a moment and looks at Chiyo as he calls out to her and says he's sorry before he runs towards the pond. Before Hikomaru could get near the pond, Setsuna catches up and grabs his arm to stop him from going any further. Setsuna tells Hikomaru to not go towards the pond as it’s dangerous. Hikomaru asks Setsuna who was she and tells repeatedly her to let him go and he needs to go to the pond as he tried to escape. Towa catches up to Setsuna and attends to Chiyo. Towa asks Chiyo was she okay. Chiyo nods to Towa. Towa notices that Chiyo's knee is hurt and tells her that she'll carry her. Chiyo becomes surprised at Towa. Towa tells Chiyo to come on and let's tend her wounds at her home. Chiyo tells Towa 'okay' before she gets on her back. Towa tells Chiyo that there she goes and wonders if it's okay with Setsuna. Setsuna tells Towa 'yes'. Setsuna continues to hold onto Hikomaru as she tells him that he's coming too. Hikomaru gives up. Towa and Setsuna walk with Hikomaru and Chiyo on their way back to their home. Chiyo explains to Towa and Setsuna that she and Hikomaru lost their parents to that pond. Towa says so that's what happened as Hikomaru and Chiyo lost their mom and dad to the pond. Chiyo tells Towa 'yes'. Setsuna tells Hikomaru that she understands what happened but to not be so reckless anymore. Hikomaru tries to explain to Setsuna but was cut off by Towa. Towa tells Hikomaru to listen as older brothers should never let go of their little sister’s hand because it'll be too late if he regrets it later. Hikomaru becomes sad and says he's sorry. Setsuna looks at Hikomaru.
At Shikabaneya, Moroha is cleaning and she's irritated as she wonders why was she stuck with cleaning before she slaps her neck to see it's Myōga. Myōga calls out to Moroha. Moroha tells Myōga that there he was again. Myōga tells Moroha that it feels really nice being beside her that he can't help it and wonders why was she being relegated to cleaning. Takechiyo appears and teases Moroha that she's missed a spot over there. Moroha tells Takechiyo that she already cleaned the area. Takechiyo questions Moroha as it's still so grimy though in so many spots. Moroha expresses her anger that she doesn't want to clean anymore as she's a demon killer as she throws her cloth down on the ground. Takechiyo asks Moroha why hasn't she brought in any heads lately. Moroha nervously tells Takechiyo that things happen. Takechiyo tells Moroha that if she can’t pay back the advance payment that Jyūbei lent her then the least she could do is help clean. Moroha tells Takechiyo all right already before she bows. Takechiyo laughs at Moroha. Moroha becomes annoyed. At sunset, Towa, Setsuna, Hikomaru, and Chiyo are now at their home, where the two siblings live with their Grandmother. Towa attends to Chiyo’s wound on her knee. Towa tells Chiyo to let's see her wound. Towa places a cloth on Chiyo's wound. Chiyo winces in pain. Towa tells Chiyo 'sorry' and wonders did it sting. Chiyo tells Towa that it did little but she's okay. Towa tells Chiyo that she's strong before she decides to give her a heart-shaped bandage. Chiyo asks Towa what it was. Towa tells Chiyo that she'll see before she places a heart-shaped bandage on Chiyo's wound. Hikomaru tells Towa to not paste anything weird on Chiyo. Towa tells Hikomaru to not worry as that was an adhesive bandage as it's like plaster but better. Hikomaru and Chiyo become surprised. The Grandmother tells Towa and Setsuna that the sun is already setting and offers them to spend the night at their home. Chiyo happily tells Towa to let's do it and for Hikomaru to tells Towa and Setsuna as well. Hikomaru tells Chiyo that it really doesn't matter to him. Chiyo asks Towa can she and Setsuna stay the night. Towa asks Setsuna what does she think. Chiyo continues to beg Towa. Setsuna tells Towa to not ask her. The grandmother cooks a meal for everyone to eat. Hikomaru asks the grandmother for another bowl. Chiyo asks the grandmother for another bowl as well. The grandmother complies with Hikomaru and Chiyo. Towa asks Setsuna that they're going to end up spending the night and even they fed them a meal. Setsuna tells Towa that the house is close to the pond as it's an ideal spot to be for their job.
The Grandmother tells Towa and Setsuna about the pond as it's been quite muddy ever since she was a child. Towa tells the grandmother that she's heard that the pond used to be as clear as a mirror. The Grandmother confirms it with Towa. The Grandmother explains to Towa and Setsuna that a sage purified those muddy waters by using medicinal herbs. Setsuna questions the Grandmother about a sage. Towa tells the Grandmother about the medicinal herbs. The Grandmother tells Towa and Setsuna that the sage planted medicinal herbs around the pond so that they could be used if the pond became murky again and there should be a nice wonderful patch of medicinal herbs by now. Hikomaru tells Towa and Setsuna that because of the Venom Serpent they can’t go near the pond anymore. Setsuna questions about the Venom Serpent. Chiyo says the Venom Serpent is a huge snake-like demon that's poisonous. Towa asks Hikomaru and Chiyo have they seen the Venom Serpent before. Hikomaru and Chiyo tell Towa 'yeah'. Towa and Setsuna look at each other. Chiyo becomes sad until she's curious of the case Setsuna carries her violin in. Chiyo asks Towa what's that. Towa calls out to Setsuna. Setsuna says it's a musical instrument. Chiyo becomes excited. Setsuna let's Hikomaru and Chiyo. Chiyo tells Setsuna that the violin is a funny shape. Hikomaru asks Setsuna is the violin like a biwa lute as his and Chiyo's father was good at playing the biwa too. Chiyo tells Setsuna that her and Hikomaru's father always played the biwa for them. Setsuna says she sees. Towa tells Hikomaru and Chiyo that it's called a violin. Hikomaru and Chiyo become confused and tried to say violin. Chiyo asks Setsuna can she play the violin for her and Hikomaru. Hikomaru tells Setsuna that he wants to hear the violin too. Setsuna says she's not really good at playing the violin. The Grandmother tells Setsuna that she could be so kind to play a song for Hikomaru and Chiyo. Setsuna looks at Towa, who nods. Hikomaru and Chiyo become excited. Setsuna gives in and begins playing her violin. The Grandmother, Towa, Hikomaru, and Chiyo clap for Setsuna for a moment. Hikomaru and Chiyo become emotional hearing Setsuna play her violin. Setsuna stops playing. Towa asks Hikomaru and Chiyo what's wrong. The Grandmother comforts Hikomaru and Chiyo. The Grandmother tells Towa and Setsuna that Hikomaru and Chiyo's father was. Hikomaru says he and Chiyo's father played the biwa for them by the pond and that's when he got swallowed up. The Grandmother comforted Hikomaru and Chiyo, who were crying.
Later in the night, the Grandmother, Hikomaru, and Chiyo are fast asleep and Towa who was sleeping too. Setsuna watches them before she walks outside. Towa wakes up and notices Setsuna follows her outside to see that she was sitting. Towa calls out to Setsuna. Towa sits with Setsuna outside. Towa tells Setsuna 'sorry' as she accidentally fell asleep by herself. Setsuna tells Towa that it's fine and to not worry about it. Towa questions Setsuna that nights are probably when she can't sleep and she'll definitely catch the Dream Butterfly for her. Setsuna tells Towa that it's always been like this for as long as she could remember and she doesn't find it a hardship and if she stays here like this then the sun will eventually rise. Towa calls out to Setsuna. Setsuna tells Towa that she's been thinking about what Moroha said. Towa becomes interested. Setsuna questions Towa why did Moroha say that the pond swallowed the bird up. Towa tells Setsuna that she's right and if she saw something getting eaten then she'd have mentioned what did the eating like a snake or some other organism. Setsuna tells Towa that it's fine and to go to sleep as when morning comes it'll be time to slay the Venom Serpent. Towa tells Setsuna that she'll sleep here and good night as she tries to lay on her. Setsuna moves away before Towa could lay on her. Towa groans a little bit in pain from the ground before she looks at Setsuna. Setsuna tells Towa to not come near her like she knows her before walking away. Towa becomes annoyed.
In the morning, Moroha walks near the the pond looking for Towa and Setsuna as they didn’t come home last night and wonders where they are then calls out to them. Moroha suddenly finds Towa and Setsuna by the Man-Eating Pond. Moroha calls out to Towa and Setsuna as she gets near them. Towa calls out to Moroha. Moroha asks Towa and Setsuna where have they been as they didn't come home last night and she got worried and looked for them. Towa tells Moroha that Hikomaru and Chiyo from the village let her and Setsuna stay at their home. Moroha questions Towa about Hikomaru and Chiyo. Setsuna says there's no time to explain. Towa tells Moroha that a demon called the Venom Serpent is living in the pond. Moroha questions about the Venom Serpent and realizes that the thing she saw yesterday was. Towa confirms it with Moroha as she and Setsuna are going to slay the Venom Serpent. Moroha becomes surprised and says she wants to help Towa and Setsuna to collect a bounty and never wants to clean rooms ever again as she steps closer to the pond. Towa and Setsuna fills Moroha in about their whereabouts and about the Venom Serpent in the pond. Moroha draws out her Kurikaramaru and calls upon the Venom Serpent to come on out as she'll send it to the afterlife with her sword. Setsuna tells Moroha to not be so brash. Towa becomes nervous for a moment before she senses the Venom Serpent is coming. The Man-Eating Pond reacts to Moroha’s calling and takes on the challenge to battle. Moroha tells the Venom Serpent there he is before she uses her Crimson Dragon Wave on him. The Venom Serpent blocks the Crimson Dragon Wave and attacks back with Poison Breath directly at Moroha. Moroha becomes weak as it stinks and wonders if it could be demon venom. Towa tells Moroha to watch out. The Venom Serpent attacks Moroha and throws her back. Towa calls out to Moroha. Setsuna tells Towa to not get distracted. The Venom Serpent finally reveals its true form as Mizuchi. Towa wonders if this is the Venom Serpent. Mizuchi asks Towa and Setsuna are they the ones who tried to hurt the pond. Towa questions that Mizuchi can talk. Setsuna runs towards Mizuchi. Towa tells Setsuna to be careful. Setsuna uses her Scourge of Swallows on Mizuchi. Mizuchi calls Towa and Setsuna annoying little girls before he blocks the attack and shoots poison breath at Setsuna. Towa protects Setsuna by blocking the venom with her Energy Blade. However, Poison Breath still affected Setsuna but left Towa unaffected. Towa asks Setsuna was she okay. Setsuna tells Towa 'yeah'. Myōga wakes up Moroha by being the flea that he is and sucking a bit of her blood. Myōga asks Moroha was she all right. Moroha slaps Myōga and says she's still alive somehow and realizes the itchiness went away. Myōga tells Moroha that it's probably thanks to the herb. Moroha questions Myōga about herbs. Setsuna is still affected by the venom. Towa asks Setsuna was she okay. Setsuna asks Towa why wasn't the venom affecting her at all. Towa tells Setsuna that she's right but she doesn't have any clue and if that's the case then leave it to her. Towa tells Mizuchi that she's his opponent.
Mizuchi begins to transform with the pond. Towa says it's like the pond is alive. The pond covers Mizuchi. Moroha says the pond is protecting Mizuchi. Myōga tells Moroha that Mizuchi isn't the only one living there as the pond itself is a demon too. Towa notices something and tells Setsuna to look. The Pond shifts itself and the bones of victims by the pond were revealed at the bottom of it. Setsuna questions what is that. Towa says so many people drowned in the pond. The pond transforms itself into Numawatari. Numawatari introduces itself as it drifts from pond to pond and consuming and becoming the pond itself. Moroha questions about Numawatari as that's the one she saw yesterday. Myōga tells Moroha that Mizuchi and Numawatari will be a tough battle. Moroha insisted on helping as well but falls down. Myōga tells Moroha that she didn't have venom resistance and even if she went to help she would only cause Towa and Setsuna trouble. Moroha becomes annoyed. Numawatari tells Towa and Setsuna how dare they endanger the resident of the pond and to die before it tries to attacks them. Towa tells Numawatari that's nothing before she attacks it cutting through it’s murky water with her Energy Blade. Towa says how's that before she becomes weak after the water pours on her. The water also pours on Setsuna but she remains unaffected and is resistant to it. Setsuna asks Towa what's wrong. Towa tells Setsuna that she doesn't know as her body suddenly as she gets even weaker. Setsuna questions could the demon venom have soaked into the water as this time it's only affecting Towa and wonders what's going on. Myōga says he sees as it looks like Towa and Setsuna have different types of venom resistance. Moroha asks Myōga what does he mean. Myōga tells Moroha that Towa has resistance to poison mist while Setuna has resistance to venom as expected from Sesshōmaru's daughters and now they just need to properly utilize their resistances. Setsuna moves forward and asks Towa can she move. Towa tells Setsuna 'yes' and and 'somewhat'. Mizuchi appears and tells Towa and Setsuna that he will not forgive her. Setsuna calls out to Numawatari and Mizuchi and both at the same time as it'll be tough. Towa tells Setsuna that it'll be okay as there's two of them. Setsuna becomes surprised for a moment. Numawatari and Mizuchi prepare to attack Towa and Setsuna. Setsuna notices a broken biwa on the skeletons. Setsuna recalls Hikomaru and Chiyo’s Grandmother talking about the sage using medicinal herbs that purified the pond water. Setsuna realizes that the patch of medicinal herbs and looks for them. Towa asks Setsuna what is it. Setsuna finds the patch of medicinal herbs that Myōga and Moroha currently lies in and runs towards it. Towa calls out to Setsuna. Setsuna tells Towa that she'll deal with Numawatari as she's leaving Mizuchi to her. Towa tells Setsuna 'understood'.
Numawatari tells Setsuna that she won't escape before it and Mizuchi tries to attack her. Setsuna dodges Numawatari and Mizuchi's attacks. Myōga says Setsuna is heading this way. Moroha tells Myōga that he's right and wonders what's going on. Setsuna tells Moroha that she better dodge her attack. Setsuna activates her Gold Rainbow Pearl and uses her Cyclone Burst at the patch of medicinal herbs. Myōga and Moroha becomes surprised as she's hit by Setsuna's attack. Setsuna intertwines the medicinal her with her Cyclone Burst to purify Numawatari. Numawatari says this is nothing. Setsuna tells Numawatari that if these are the sage's medicinal herbs then it should purify it since it was sullying the pond. Numawatari starts to purify. Moroha says the water's clearing up. Numawatari completely purifies. Mizuchi calls out to Numawatari. Setsuna tells Towa that she's leaving the rest to her. Towa tells Setsuna that she knows. Towa activates her Silver Rainbow Pearl and uses her Energy Blade on Mizuchi. Mizuchi tries to use his Poison Breath on Towa. Towa tells Mizuchi that poison mist won't work on her before she kills him with her Energy Blade. Mizuchi calls out to Numawatari before he dies. The pond returns to being beautiful and clear as described by Hisui. Setsuna walks towards Towa, who is exhausted and laying halfway in the pond. Towa looks up to see Setsuna holding out her hand and grabs onto it and gets out of the water. Towa puts her Kikujūmonji back in it's sheath before she shaking her body free of water and strecteches. Moroha goes over to Towa and Setsuna and tells them that they were amazing and they got Numawatari and Mizuchi at the same time. Towa and Moroha happily high five each other. Towa tries to happily high five Setsuna, who almost does, but stops. Towa asks Setsuna that she's not going to. Setsuna tells Towa that she's annoying as she refuses. Towa becomes disappointed as she tells Setsuna that she's hurt. Moroha looks at the pond and tells Towa and Setsuna to look at it as it's so pretty and clear. Towa and Setsuna both agree with Moroha. Hikomaru and Chiyo appear and run towards Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. Hikomaru holds Setsuna's violin case. Chiyo calls out to Towa. Towa realizes that it's Hikomaru and Chiyo. Chiyo hugs Towa. Hikomaru tells Setsuna that she forgot her violin. Setsuna tells Hikomaru 'thank you' as she accepts her violin. Chiyo says the pond is so pretty. Moroha says she can definitely drink the water now. Towa becomes annoyed and tells Moroha to stop it already. Moroha and Chiyo laugh together. Hikomaru asks Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha that they defeated Mizuchi and says 'thank you'. Setsuna tells Hikomaru there's no need for thanks as she puts down her violin case and takes out her violin. Setsuna says this may not replace the biwa but before she starts playing. Towa smiles at Setsuna before she, Hikomaru, Moroha, and Chiyo look at the pond. The broken biwa is shown in the pond.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Towa Higurashi
- Setsuna
- Moroha
- Kinka (Appears in a flashback)
- Hisui
- Kohaku
- Chiyo
- Hikomaru
- Hikomaru and Chiyo's Grandmother
- Myōga
- Takechiyo
- Mizuchi
- Numawatari
- This episode features two demons from the manga that didn't appear in InuYasha The Final Act: Mizuchi from Chapter 396 and Numawatari from Chapter 423.
- Chiyo and Hikomaru bear a strong resemblance to Yuki and her brother from Episode 43. Additionally both siblings lost their parents to a demon.
- Moroha had a same fear just like her father.
- Her father gets fear from her mother in Episode 160, Episode 168, and Episode 186.
- Chiyo and Hikomaru display starry eyes which were featured in many characters in many works by Rumiko Takahashi:
- The Mizunokōji family from Urusei Yatsura.
- Genji Heita from Ranma ½.
- Coach Suzuki, Jun Natsukawa and Mr. Eggplant from Kyōkai no Rinne.
- Towa is immune to poison gas, while Setsuna is immune liquid poison. In short Setsuna can only be poisoned by her respiratory system, while Towa is much more vulnerable as merely touching liquid poison affects her.
- We see Kohaku not in his demon-slaying uniform for the first time since his youth. This is the first time in his home outfit.
InuYasha | |
Season 1 | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27 |
Season 2 | 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38 • 39 • 40 • 41 • 42 • 43 • 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 48 • 49 • 50 • 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 |
Season 3 | 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 • 61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69 • 70 • 71 • 72 • 73 • 74 • 75 • 76 • 77 • 78 • 79 • 80 • 81 • 82 |
Season 4 | 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88 • 89 • 90 • 91 • 92 • 93 • 94 • 95 • 96 • 97 • 98 • 99 • 100 • 101 • 102 • 103 • 104 • 105 • 106 • 107 • 108 • 109 • 110 |
Season 5 | 111 • 112 • 113 • 114 • 115 • 116 • 117 • 118 • 119 • 120 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 124 • 125 • 126 • 127 • 128 • 129 • 130 • 131 • 132 • 133 • 134 • 135 • 136 • 137 • 138 |
Season 6 | 139 • 140 • 141 • 142 • 143 • 144 • 145 • 146 • 147 • 148 • 149 • 150 • 151 • 152 • 153 • 154 • 155 • 156 • 157 • 158 • 159 • 160 • 161 • 162 • 163 • 164 • 165 • 166 • 167 |
The Final Act | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 |
Movies | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
OVA | Black Tessaiga |
Yashahime 1 | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 |
Yashahime 2 | 25 • 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38 • 39 • 40 • 41 • 42 • 43 • 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 48 |
Other | Music • Manga |