
Chokyukai and the Abducted Bride (猪九戒と略奪された花嫁) is the one hundred twenty-ninth episode of the InuYasha anime.


  1. Inuyasha and his friends deal with a boar demon named Chokyūkai who has been abducting women.



Inuyasha wearing Chokyūkai's tiara

A young man named Kisuke turns to the protagonists for help when maidens are being kidnapped by demons using a golden diadem to control them, mentioning that the remaining maidens were forced to reside in a nearby cave.

Inuyasha and the gang confront the demon, Chokyūkai, who is a boar demon that doesn't seem very threatening with his two servants. However, Chokyūkai places his diadem on Kagome's head (after inadvertently getting it on Inuyasha and Miroku's heads first), brainwashing her to fall in love with him, and takes her to his castle.

The others come up with a plan to defeat Chokyūkai. Shippō distracts him disguised as a woman, and then Inuyasha fights him. Kagome combines an arrow with a sutra provided by Miroku, using it to banish Chokyūkai to parts unknown. They then rescue the women and take them back to the village. Miroku proceeds to flirt with them by asking them to have his children. The women are put off after their experience with Chokyūkai and question if Miroku is a demon as well, throwing him off. He asks Sango for help, who simply snubs him off in anger. They then see Kisuke and flock to him, saying that their experience was terrifying and Chokyūkai was so disgusting, as was Miroku, much to Miroku's chagrin.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


  • Opening Theme — One Day, One Dream — Best of Inuyasha II
  • Kagome recaps episode 128 — Fate and Love (Unmei to Koigokoro) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Boar demon comes for his forced bride — Attack (Shūgeki) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Villager tells Kaede about the demon that kidnaps young women — The Hidden Well to the Sengoku Era (Kakushi Ido kara Sengoku Jidai e) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Villager guides Inuyasha’s group — Delinquent Monk, Miroku (Furyō Hōshi Miroku) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Miroku talks about his strategy — One Day in the Village (Mura no Ichi Nichi) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Boar demon meets Kagome — Tsubaki the Dark Miko (Kuromiko Tsubaki) — TV OST Vol. 2
  • Boar demon introduces his disciples, Kagome recognizes him from the Journey to the West — Swordsmith, Tōtōsai (Katanakaji Tōtōsai) — TV OST Vol. 2
  • Inuyasha is infatuated with the boar — The Three Meddlesome Daughters (Sewayaki Sannin Musume) — TV OST Vol. 3
  • Inuyasha and boar sword fight — Fierce Fighting (Gekitō) — TV OST Vol. 2
  • Inuyasha is angry that Kagome is taken, Miroku has a Chinese sutra — Osuwari! — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Boar demon drinks sake, he hears a woman’s voice — Sign of Unrest (Fuon na Kehai) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Shippō’s disguise is waning — The Hidden Well to the Sengoku Era (Kakushi Ido kara Sengoku Jidai e) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Boar demon fights group, Kagome fires arrow at him — Fight to the Death (Shitō) — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Women are rescued and are turned off by Miroku — Osuwari! — TV OST Vol. 1
  • Ending Theme — Come — Best of Inuyasha II


  • Chokyūkai and his servants are the descendants of the characters from Journey to the West. However, it was written in 1590, and the Sengoku periods ended in 1615, hence there isn't enough time for Cho Hakkai to procreate and for Chokyūkai to have him as ancestor.
  • The golden diadem that Chokyūkai uses, is the same one that the monk used on Sun Wukong, to keep in line, sort of like Inuyasha only with the Beads of Subjugation instead.
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