The Higurashi family (日暮家族) is an extended family of Shintōpriests of many generations. The head of family is Grandpa Higurashi. Little is known about their history, except that Mr. Higurashi was killed in a car accident, and Grandma Higurashi died after their son leaving Grandpa alone. Kagome's mother moved to Higurashi shrine so that grandfather wouldn't feel lonely. Inuyasha became a member of the Higurashi family when he married Kagome, and giving birth to a quarter-demon daughter named Moroha. Sōta, Kagome's younger brother, is a possible heir for being a Shintō priest. Sōta was soon married to Moe, their union giving birth a daughter named Mei and adopted Sesshōmaru's eldest twin daughter to be part of the family and moved to an apartment. After Towa reunite with her sister Setsuna and while they're in the Feudal Era, Sōta heads back to the shrine with his wife and daughter because of the crisis in Tokyo.
The family has a method of covering up for a member's absence from school via faux illnesses. In the original series, Grandpa Higurashi would cover for Kagome's trips to the Feudal Era. In Yashahime, Sōta uses this method to cover for Towa.