
This is the deletion template for the InuYasha Wiki. Please read through this before using the delete template.

How To list a page for Deletion[]

There are 2 Types of Deletions that this template will handle. Quick Deletions, and Normal Deletions. (Ones that need discussion before deletion.)

To list a page for quick deletion add the quick=true paramater to the template.

Example: {{delete|quick=true}}

To list a page for normal deletion, use the tag without the quick=true paramater.

Example: {{delete}}

Extra things for the Template[]

When you list a page for deletion, it is a good idea to add a reason for deletion to the template. To make the template add a reason to the notice, add the reason to the reason= paramater.

Example: {{delete|quick=true|reason=This is the reason.}}


Example: {{delete|reason=This is the reason.}}