This article is about the character from Secret of the Divine Jewel. You may be looking for Inuyasha's mother.

Izayoi (十六夜いざよい, "The Sixteenth Night") was a human princess from the Heian jidai in the video game Secret of the Divine Jewel.


Inuyasha and his friends were transported through time by the deities Mitsurugi and Sugagaki to show them how their master Datara had been imprisoned. They arrived at a mansion. It reminded Inuyasha of the place that he grew up in with his mother. As they were leaving, they came across a young girl near the mansion's entrance. She immediately wanted to touch Inuyasha's ears when she first saw them and he reluctantly agreed to let her. She introduced herself as Izayoi and asked for Inuyasha's name. Miroku stepped in to introduce everyone and apologized for Inuyasha rural behavior. She claimed that it was alright and that did not care about formalities. She stated that she played with Tsugumi despite the strict people that live with her at the mansion. Miroku then her where Tsugumi might be, but Izayoi did not know and had been waiting for her by the mansion entrance. She suggested that they should check Shinonome Village for her. As they left, everyone noticed how strange Inuyasha had been acting. They thought that the girl they spoke to was actually a young version of Inuyasha's mother. He denied that she was his mother since she had a different scent than her.

Her mansion was on fire and under attack by Gorai's yōkai forces when they returned. Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippō, and Janis rushed in to save her. They found her and Tsugumi and they were fending off some yōkai. Izayoi stated that the hokora (small shrine) near her house that houses the demon mask had been broken, that the mask has been defeated by a powerful monk, long ago. Izayoi wanted to go their for her duty as a princess. Inuyasha initially refused since would be difficult to protect her if the went, but they soon decided to go there. They arrived at the hokora and found the underground chamber where they mask was being kept. The found Gorai and were unable to prevent him from taking the mask.

Izayoi and the others returned to the mansion. She said goodbye to Tsugumi as she and her servants started to work on rebuilding her mansion. Miroku commented by saying how strong a girl she was. A day later, Izayoi and her servants came to Shinonome Village for the start of Tsugumi and Datara's wedding ceremony. But it was interrupted for an invasion by Gorai and his armies of yōkai. Izayoi and the others have witness to see Gorai killed Tsugumi's mother and kidnapped Datara's and Tsugumi's child as he forced Datara to wear the demon mask, and Tsugumi use the Lightning Sealing Arrow to seal Datara and kill her child from falling into the hands of a demon.



Physical description[]



Izayoi typically wore a jūnihitoe, traditional hime cut of noble ladies.


Izayoi: "Tsugumi..."
Tsugumi: "It's going to be all right. I'll protect you."
―Izayoi and Tsugumi[src]





"I mean, there are some strict people at home... But I still play with Tsugumi anyway."

"That's right. Tsugumi's going to marry to Datara real soon. That's why I don't get in trouble for being with Tsugumi anymore."

"I don't know. She said that she would come and see me today...But she hasn't shown up yet. That's why I'm here waiting for her...Maybe she's still at her home in Shinonome Village? Or maybe she went to see Datara? Do you want to see Tsugumi too, Miroku? If so, I think you should try going to Shinonome Village. If you see her, will you tell her that I'm waiting for her?"

Izayoi: "I-Inuyasha!"
Inuyasha: "Are you okay?!"
Izayoi: "Y-Yes. I'm fine. But..."
Inuyasha: "Don't worry. Everything's going to be all right!"
―Izayoi was surprise to see Inuyasha's rescue[src]

Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel
Characters Janis  •  Tsugumi/Monk Sen  •  Datara  •  Shigehira Masuko  •  Usuba Masuko  •  God of Habaki  •  Sara  •  Akagane  •  Gorai  •  Burai  •  Mitsurugi  •  Sugagaki  •  Izayoi  •  Sea God  •  Umao  •  Shikako
Locations Janis' house (America)Janis' houseKagome's schoolHigurashi shrine (Higurashi wellhouse)Bone-Eater's WellInuyasha's Forest (Goshinboku)Kaede's villageMikage CreekMasuko VillageCheckpointJinenji's gardenMinatori VillageMount HabakiHōsenki's DenMountain PassYamasachi VillageAbandoned ShrineSara's LairOsore ValleyOsore Valley CaveSakata VillageBenten forest (Sen shrine)Demon FortressHiba VillageSusuki Plains (Susuki Plains Village)Mount Mansetsu (Mount Mansetsu Fortress)Tanuki PlainsTanuki ForestDatara's shrineMitsurugi TowerSugagaki WaterfallIzayoi's MansionShinonome VillageLake Shore PathNew Moon CaveTempest Tower
Objects and abilities Kamuitama  •  Demon Blood Binding Spell  •  Shikioni  •  Demon mask  •  Akanemaru