
Jūrōmaru (獣郎丸じゅうろうまる, "Beast Perfection") was the fifth incarnation of Naraku created for killing Inuyasha, who was become more dangerous after his transformation in a full-demon. However, despite being one Naraku's creations and incarnations, Jūrōmaru was only loyal to his older brother, Kagerōmaru.


Naraku and Juromaru

Naraku and Jūrōmaru.

Born in Naraku's bedroom, Jūrōmaru was first seen in a carriage trained with a skeletal horse by one of Naraku's demon puppets, chained up and with a retaining mask, to internally restrain his older brother, the insect-like yōkai and Naraku's fourth incarnation Kagerōmaru. When Kagerōmaru was unleashed, they managed to confuse Inuyasha and Kōga with their outstanding level of speed. He was killed by Inuyasha with a Tessaiga's slash along with his brother, although the sword was too heavy.[1]


With his animalistic nature, Jūrōmaru is like a berserker costantly apathic to everything around him, never changing his expression or reacting to anything at all, not even when he was mauling Inuyasha. Jūrōmaru was shown to be an incredibly absentminded fellow, and an incredibly powerful one as well, being able to fend off Inuyasha, Sango, and Kōga singlehandedly. Jūrōmaru was perhaps the least loyal detachment of Naraku as once he was unshackled, he ruthlessly proceeded to decapitate Naraku's demon puppet. Kagerōmaru was the only one who could keep Jūrōmaru under control. Jūrōmaru's fighting style was characterized by his lust to kill, attacking anyone in his way.[1]

Physical description[]

Despite his savage nature, the more human-like Jūrōmaru was dressed very formally. He weared a kimono with an haori over it. The white pom pom style fluff ball was an haori himo and was used for fastening it.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant: Because Jūrōmaru was essentially a berserker that Naraku created for fighting and wished to successfully get rid of Kōga, Inuyasha, and their groups, his main fighting style was direct hand-to-hand combat where he would attack any in sight. While his fighting had no refinement, his physical prowess and lack of distinction proved quite dangerous as Kōga had decided to run away instead of fighting Jūrōmaru alone.
  • Enhanced speed: Jūrōmaru had exhibited an astounding level of speed; surpassing even that of Kōga's. Even when shackled, he managed to catch Kōga by surprise and pin him to the ground. His movements were usually illustrated as bright beams of light.
  • Enhanced strength: Along with his high level of speed, Jūrōmaru demonstrated his high level of strength. He was able to single-handedly pin down Inuyasha and Kōga, as well as smash Sango's Hiraikotsu away during mid-attack.
  • Toxic breath:

Manga vs. anime[]

  • In the manga, Jūrōmaru is seen drooling a kind of ooze and has long fangs that are absent in the anime. In the anime, he is instead breathing out a sparkling mist that unnerves his opponents.


Media appearances[]




  1. 1.0 1.1 InuYasha anime; Episode 46
Incarnations KannaKaguraGoshinkiKagerōmaruJūrōmaruMusōInfantHakudōshiByakuyaAkagane
Rejected parts Unnamed incarnationHair monsterEye monsterOnigumo (reabsorbed)KugutsuKodoku
Allies SaimyōshōTsubo TsukaiSesshōmaru (formerly)Jaken (formerly)RyūkotsuseiTsubakiHakushinShichinintaiSalamanderEnteiAbiTekkeiMōryōmaru (formerly)GoraiMirror demonMagatsuhiDemon of the Shikon no Tama
Enemies InuyashaKagome HigurashiKikyōMiyatsuMiroku's fatherMirokuSangoKiraraKohakuKōgaGintaHakkakuKaiShintaSesshōmaru (currently)KaguyaMōryōmaru (currently)Hōsenki IHitomikoKansukeKaedeMidorikoShippōJaken (currently)RinA-UnJanis
Locations Onigumo's caveNaraku's castleMount HakureiNaraku's cave
Miscellaneous Shikon no TamaKazaanaOnigumo's caveNaraku's castleMount Hakurei
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