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Julian (ジュリアン) is a singer who is also Towa and Mei Higurashi's favorite idol.


He and his songs are first mentioned in Episode 6 when Towa excitedly recognizes the head monk-in-training Juan who resembles his five century-old descendant. A picture of him is shown on Towa's smartphone, which baffles Setsuna and Moroha as why she is so excited about him.

Months later, in modern Japan, he finally makes his actual debut along with his brand crew as they are in a concert tour with Moe Higurashi as the guest violinist. Holding a katana, Julian is surprised at seeing at how authentic a demon, but takes it in stride and declares he will slay it.

Physical Description[]

Julian's Official Design

Julian has short brown hair and grey eyes. He wears a bandana wrapped around his forehead. He wears a pink V-neck shirt, a white vest overtop, and a white jacket with coat tails that has pink on it. He has white pants and black shoes.

Media Appearances[]


